The woman I want to be is smart... she gives equal effort in classes that she hates and classes that she loves. She learns not only to just pass the next test, but to retain the things that are important. She does her work and enjoys the process that is learning, rather than sleepwalking through her assignments. She puts her all into them not for a grade, but for the joy of knowledge gained.
The woman I want to be is organized... her house LOOKS like a house, not a frat boy's dorm room. Her pets are loved and well taken care of, her laundry is folded and put away where her dog cannot eat it. Her cupboards are full of healthy foods. Her bills are paid on time, and not as a last-minute phone call because she lost the return envelope.
The woman I want to be is healthy... she makes time to take care of herself every day through running,yoga, strength training, and a million other small things. She eats well, with focus on whole, healthy foods in small portions. She doesn't deny herself, but at the same time she doesn't make a habit of indulging. She is educated about the needs of her body and she tries hard to meet those needs, not for vanity, simply for the benefit of FEELING healthy. To live as long as she can, because life is a beautiful thing that is already far too short.
The woman I want to be is kind... she thinks before she speaks. She realizes that her siblings are growing fast and she makes time for them NOW. She makes an effort to see her friends. She's understanding and supportive. She loves with absolutely everything she has.
The woman I want to be is confidant... she's witty, and fun, and she doesn't second guess herself after every conversation. She's not afraid to go out by herself, because she LIKES herself. She speaks up in class without fretting that she's arrogant, she laughs without fretting that she's too loud, she expresses opinion without fretting that she's foolish.
The woman that I AM can do this, because I am strong and I can adapt. I have survived more than my share of dark times, and I CAN overcome the difficulty of changing my unhealthy lifestyle. I've seen worse, and I'll do whatever it takes so I can see myself at my best.
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